Hey Bloggies!
I hope everyone had a great weekend. I definitely had a busy one, which is why I am just now getting online and updating you all on my life. So yeah, I gave my muscles a break on Friday and hit it hard Saturday and Sunday. I'd like to point out that Saturday was physically a difficult run for me, I don't know why?
I got home after my run and was immediately discouraged. I was really hard on myself, wondering why the 2mi run took so much energy out of me, and I wondered especially why I didn't blow it out the water. Well, I spoke to my friend and #1 running supporter and she reminded me that this was a lifetime journey. Running is something that I am going to be doing until my legs no longer work. She had a valid point here. The best part about this conversation was that she was the one that gave me my running shoes and Nike+ monitor, in other words, she has been with me the entire time and has seen me grow.
It's great to have someone remind you of how far you've come. I appreciate her willingness to inform me that although Saturday's run wasn't the best, that Sunday was still waiting for me.
In other news, on Nikerunning.nike.com they have different levels for runners and of course they are color coded. The beginner level is yellow, the next level is orange. In order to move up to another level, you have to run a certain amount of miles...and guess what?? I made it to the orange level yesterday!! I'm really proud of myself!
b e f o r e
a f t e r
When you change levels, the background color you see changes and a video pops up of an amazing athlete who congratulates you on your accomplishment. I must admit, I played my video about 3x before I left the site.
The next level I am looking forward to is my favorite color, green! I have about 120 mi before I reach that level, but I'm not worried...I'll reach that in no time!!
I have officially signed up for the Nike women's half marathon training on the website. I now have a 12 week schedule that I must stick to in order to be ready for the PF Changs half marathon in Tempe on
January 16.
For those who don't know a half marathon will be 13.1 miles. So anyway, on the nike website Coach Jay defines my workouts and it's really cool because I know exactly what I need to do everyday for the next 12 weeks.
This is really awesome. Yesterday I ran 2mi, so today, I have been advised to get my cardio done in the pool. I have to be honest, I really want to run tonight :-/ maybe I'll run and then hit the pool, LOL.
Ok...one last thing, I met a lady yesterday that lost 60lbs from running! She has been looking for someone to train with for the 1/2 marathon in January, and of course I told her I'd train with her. So starting Tuesday, we will train at a local college downtown 2x a week with her running coach! WOW! I'm super excited, and cannot wait to start! I'll definitely take some pictures so you all can see how things are going!
That's all folks, I hope everyone has a peaceful Monday.