running has been my mirror. it has shown me how strong, dedicated, passionate, goofy, and awesome i am. it has also revealed to me my ugly side. the tiffany that can be weak, discouraged, inconsistent, lazy, and grumpy.
i've shared with you all my personal running stories that have made me cry and laugh. you already know how things can be. but just the other day, i sat back and really thought about who i was, have become, and will be when it comes to running.

(this would be the gooofy side of tiff)
anybody can beast on a 5k, 10k, or even a half marathon. but the question is, who are you really when the running shoes come off?
i have a friend, the most determined woman ever when it comes to fitness training. she's lost over 80lbs through diet and exercise. she's gone from a full figured woman, to a size 4 swim suit competitor. just the other day she said to me, "never in a million years could you have told me i was going to be a size 4. i would have never believed you."
she's preparing for this huge competition this summer, and God has allowed me to watch her prepare for it. what i am being taught is discipline.
right now im in the "i'm enjoying myself" phase. i'm eating carbs, and enjoying a bit too much wine (if ya know what i mean). i told myself that 4/1 i would begin training for the full marathon that's in june. so i'm giving myself this window to really enjoy not eating on a meal plan and going to functions right after running. i'm running 3x a week instead of the 6 i used to run. i haven't hit a double digit run in about a month.
i've gotta be honest. i'm just now getting to the point where i'm not upset with myself about taking it easy. just like any relationship, there are highs and lows. right now, i'm in the middle. i'm still a vegetarian that eats healthy, and my long runs are 5mi.
my friend (that i just mentioned) and i went to a canteen last weekend. i ordered a margarita, along with chips and salsa. she ordered vodka/water and ate literally 1 chip. we sat there and discussed our health goals. i have to say, i'm humbled to be in the presence of people that are looking to grow and be BETTER.
back in college, a friend told me i could eat whatever i wanted, as long as i worked out. i understand that point. but when it comes to me and running, my title as a runner does not stop when my nikes come off and my ipod is synced. what i do off the pavement, if you will, will affect me on the pavement.
it's time to take it up a knotch folks. if you're a runner, be a runner. push yourself. drop the f bomb after pushing through the last mile. high five another fellow runner. update your facebook status telling the world that you just registered for a longer distance race than you're used to. incorporate more protein into your diet. LIFT THOSE WEIGHTS to build muscles. invest in good running shoes.
and when you've come to the season of relaxation,
do it without guilt, but
don't stay there and
don't be weak while you're there.
love ya'll. you keep me going. every stride i take is for you (and me of course). thru the words in this blog, i'm pushing you to be a better you. take these words and allow them to manifest in your life so that you can harvest great blessings.
see you