Monday, October 25, 2010

Diary of a Foodie

Hey RoadRunners,

Remember that one blog where I said that I could eat something, and love the hell out of it? Yeah. I'm struggling right now, and I need your help!

I have the appetite of  a runner, and I'm in big trouble if I want to drop pounds. I have noticed that by running 10 miles, I burn a whopping 1800 calories. After I run, I am hungry and want to eat my right arm. I force myself to go to bed to ignore these horrible thoughts. I'll usually treat myself to a cup of OJ or half of a Luna Bar. When I wake up in the morning, I am ready to plow through food.

It's so funny. Here I am running my butt off, but needing to lose weight so I can't eat whatever I want.

Just because you all care enough to read my blog, I owe it to you to be transparent and be honest about the things I love to eat.

Horrible things I ate last week::

Cheese Dip (Jays, Scottsdale)
Rattlesnake Pasta (Jays, Scottsdale)
Ice Cream
Gummy Bears/Worms
Halloween Oreos

I can't believe I'm telling you guys all this stuff! AH! Do you see a trend here people? Carbs carbs and more carbs. This has GOT TO STOP. I find myself having the attitude of, "oh I'll just run it off later." But this is not ok...especially if I plan on fitting into my New Year's Eve dress that my friend brought back for me from NYC.

So today, I'm checking myself, like fa real.

Multigrain Cheerios (in a small cup)
Yoplait Yogurt

1/2 Cliff bar

3' sub
7-9 baked lays

((ok already you can see that I effed up during my snack time, but luckily I didn't finish my lunch))

I'll keep you posted guys, but I am really eating my words that I posted in earlier blogs...literally. What you eat affects the way you run. My 10 mi run on Thursday felt like hell. I wanted to quit at mile 2! How embarrassing. I was really disappointed in myself. This will NOT happen again. WTF Tiff?

The hard part is running 10 miles. The easy part should be EATING!!

I'm getting pissed just thinking about it. I will not be overcome by temptation. I'm a RUNNER which means I have control over my thoughts. I'll keep you all posted on how the weight loss goes this week. I'm expecting to drop some pounds.

I ate Subway today (turkey breast on wheat) but for Tues-Fri I will eat lean cuisines under 400 calories. My goal is to take in 1200 calories a day, but see this could be an issue because I'm running off about 500 calories and of course lifting weights.

Does anyone have advice for me? I sure could use it. I hate meal plans, I'd prefer to be told the total amount of calories I can consume.

Peace Out,


1 comment:

  1. Hey Tiffany,

    This is Crystal from UW...not sure if you remember me. However, in terms of eating, I'm the opposite of you, I hate counting calories. Instead, I make sure I have enough total grams of protein, carbs, and fat in each meal. Doing this, I have lost 68lbs in the past 9 months. I make sure I have at least 20 grams of protein in each meal and about 10-15 grams of good fat. Carbs, no more than 12-16 grams. I also have 5 smaller meals throughout the day. Currently, I am doing a dairy/gluten free plan but when I did dairy, for breakfast I'd have greek yogurt (it has lots of protein), berries, and 1/4 cup granola. Snack would be nuts and fruit. Lunch would be protein and veggies (so a salad and meat) and dinner would be the same. After workouts, I'd do a protein shake with at least 23grams of protein plus milk and fruit. This works for me and I count no calories. I am also a routine person so I can eat the same thing (like stir fry for dinner, no rice) everyday and not feel bored. I've been reading your blog and really love it! I started my own blog too, check it out at! Be well chica! :)
