the other day, my 5k run posted onto my facebook wall. this was my fastest run to date. one of my friends asked me a simple yet complex question...a question that provoked so much emotion that it took me almost a day to respond.
"what's your secret for remaining steadfast to running?"
after all these days and nights of running, i never wondered what kept me going. i mean, at first the whole running thing was a pain in my @$$ but i have really grown to crave the feeling the "runner's high" after i finish running.
what keeps me running 5-6x a week? let's see...
1. it was never God's will for me to be overweight. what good is life if i'm too sick to enjoy it?
2. life is a gift. by me shoving food down my throat everyday i am taking days off of it.
3. i have created a running blog, which serves as constant reflection of my dreams, wishes, and goals. there's no turning back now tiff.
4. i have inspired many people to start running. who am i to stop? i must continue to push others to reach their goals, so me going a week without running is not cool.
5. i have got 40 more lbs to lose!!
6. jan 16, 2011 pf changs 1/2 marathon is a goal i committed myself to back in may when 2 miles seemed impossible.
7. nike + is a constant motivation because it is tracking my runs daily. it tells me how many times i run every week. if i only run 2x a week, i feel like a slob.
8. i'm a foodie. i will eat anything in sight... running is a great way to burn off those calories. by running 10 miles, i burn about 1800 calories. (gasp)
9. my biggest secret to remaining motivated is....
My supporters. Those who push me to reach my goals daily. Those that are keeping an eye on me. Those that ask AWESOME questions like that. Those that I randomly run into that are wearing shoes that I recommend on my blog. Those that curse me out when a new blog isn't posted at least 3x a week. Those that come up to me at the gym and say, "can I run with you tomorrow?"
Personal shout out to my friends that run with me when they have time. For those that are beginning their fitness journey, I encourage you to get someone that will be just as committed as you. On the days you don't feel like working out, they will keep you in line...and the other way around. Same goes for food. The second you are weak and want to give in to a cupcake at work, shoot a quick email or text to your buddy, they will surely give you a check into reality.
So proud of you! Keep up the work soror! You are an inspiration that I too "can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.."!
ReplyDeletei love this! Your 9 points are so ON!