Friday, December 10, 2010

Moo & Oink...

It dawned on me, as I sat on the couch and watched Sarah Palin's Alaska show, that killing animals and then eating the meat takes a lot of work. Not only does hunting take a lot of work, but it takes a lot of work for my body to digest the meat.

Science shows that the more meat we eat, the sicker we get -- heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and every other major degenerative disease. If eating meat were so natural, it wouldn't destroy our health.

I have decided to give up meat for the first 6 months of 2011.

In my efforts to become a better athlete, nutritionist, and philanthropist I believe that it is only right that I try something new. 

I'm not sure if you have ever read the book Skinny Bitch, but it is amazing. It is very blunt and tells you exactly what you need to cut out of your diet when it comes to slimming down. It touches on every food and beverage you could possibly think of. My favorite part of the book was the meat section, as it really provided some insight on what happens in those slaughter houses. Check it out when you get a chance.

I'm not about the looks of things. You'll learn very quickly that I do my research and then take on new challenges. It's not about being a skinny's about being healthy. I could do without the title and cover, it's really about the substance of this book.

My Personal Reasons for Vegetarianism 

-If you switch from the standard American diet to a vegetarian diet, you can add about 13 healthy years to your life, says Michael F. Roizen, MD, author of The RealAge Diet: Make Yourself Younger with What You Eat.  
-Avoiding meat is one of the best and simplest ways to cut down your fat consumption. Modern farm animals are deliberately fattened up to increase profits. Eating fatty meat increases your chances of having a heart attack or developing cancer.

-'Meat' can include the tail, head, feet, rectum and spinal cord of an animal. A sausage can contain ground up intestines. How can anyone be sure that the intestines are empty when they are ground up? Do you really want to eat the content of a pig's intestines? (GROSS)

-If you eat meat, you are consuming hormones that were fed to the animals. No one knows what effect those hormones will have on your health. In some parts of the world, as many as one on four hamburgers contain growth hormones that were originally given to cattle. (This is why your 6 yr old sister has matured so quickly!)

-Vegetarians are fitter than meat eaters. many of the world's most successful athletes are vegetarian.

Starting 1/1/2010 I will become a vegetarian. I'll be blogging to keep you updated folks! You'll know the good, bad, and the ugly! Hey, this may not be for you, but I'm sure you'll be interested in watching the process.

p e a c e,


1 comment:

  1. Hey PYT just read your blog. I finished reading a booke this summer called "The new american diet" great book. It doesn't rule out meat, but it does stress eating better foods. ie. organic. and has some really good insights. All the best in your transition. Kofi (kgyimah23)
