Monday, April 4, 2011

When the going gets TOUGH

I may be Queen LaTiffany, but um...I also can be a cry baby at times.

Just the other day, well, Saturday to be exact, I was being all dramatic about the 86 degree weather we were running in during our LACE UP Crew run. You should've heard me! "Omg, I'm gonna die! This weather is no bueno!" I bet the people sailing in the lake could hear me all the way from the bridge.

I'm sure one of my friends, Brittany, who's vegan blog is off the hook, was taking notes on my little girl tendencies. It wasn't until yesterday that I woke up feeling guilty! I mean, yes, it was hotter than a mug, but I shouldn't have complained so much!

With running being a mental sport, it's important to control your thoughts. It was only a 3 mile run! What's the big deal if you're hydrated?! So yeah, I got out there, ran and got it done. The area here that I'm brushing up on is my ability to discourage myself when the conditions around me are not so comfortable.

Ok, so like I said earlier, if you're a runner, be a runner. You think MJ cared about what type of hoop he dunked on? You think Mia Ham cared about when the grass was cut before she scored a goal? I'm more than sure Fantasia could care less about how big the stage she sings on is. Yes, Phoenix can get hot, but I knew that when I put on my first pair of running shoes.

I've got to be mentally stronger in everything I do.

As you know, I'm preparing for the Rock N Roll Marathon in San Diego and then Nike Women's in San Francisco. God forbid that it rains during the last mile. You better believe I'm finishing without even acknowledging the rain.

Running is a tough sport. The fact that I'm even out there on the pavement makes me proud of myself. Yes, it was hot that day, but when the going gets tough, the TOUGH GETS GOING.

Join me :) See you here,


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