Monday, November 22, 2010

life's ups and downs

These past couple of weeks have been really tough for me. I have been struggling to finish strong in my M.Ed program, re-evaluating my friendships/relationships, and gaining comfort in my new position as a teacher. All while I have been doing this, a huge bomb is dropped on me; my grandmother may be diagnosed with lung cancer this week right before the holidays. The worst part of this is that I am living here in Phoenix while my family is back east, and of course flying home would cost a lot so I'm forced to wait it out until Christmas.

Not to get too sappy here, but I get homesick sometimes, and hearing that my grandmother is ill only makes it worse.

This week has been full of ups and downs. I have my moments where I want to cry, but with the support of my close friends I have been able to be strong for my family.

With that, I must pose the question: What do you do to channel the daily stresses of life?

I must say, when I got the bad news about my grandmother I immediately shut down. I didn't want to talk to anyone except for her and my mom. The entire day, I received alerts from social websites about friends being excited to hang out and run with me at 9pm that night. I was a mess but I could not cancel on them.

I got myself together at 845pm and hit the door to meet up. Half way thru the run tears fell down my cheeks. All I could think about is how healthy I wanted to be, and how I wanted to live a long life for the sake of my family. Thoughts of heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure rolled around in my mind, and with every pace I took it felt like I was fighting them one by one. I finished a 4 mile run that night.

I used running as my escape, and I am glad that I did. I was able to get out of the house and turn the negative into a positive. With the endorphins going off in my brain, how could I be depressed?

We all handle stress differently in our lives, but I encourage every reader to find one positive thing to do everyday before bed that will help them release negative energy.

Some alarming statistics on stress
According to the American Medical Association, stress is a factor in more than 75% of sickness today. And according to the World Health Organization, stress is America’s #1 Health Problem.

Having difficulty dealing with America’s Financial Downturn?  You are not alone according to the APA Poll released October 7, 2008:
  • 50% of Americans say that they are increasingly stressed about their ability to provide for their family’s basic needs.
  • 80% of Americans stated that the economy is a significant cause of stress.
  • 83% of women are stressed about money vs. 78% of men
  • 87% of women reported dramatic increases in stress associated with health problems affecting their families in relationship to the declining economy. 
So stress is nothing new here.

some ways to relieve stress

-throw on some music (thank God for miles davis)
-take a walk with a friend
-set up an area in your house where you can relax (reading nook or spa)
-write in a journal (this will allow you to reflect)
-keep a stress ball at your desk/job (if you don't have one, you can make one! just google it)
-surround yourself with positive energy (i went to see the roots in concert with friends. glad i did)
-you tube some breathing exercises (this will help with anxiety also)
-read your favorite magazine

Just for kicks, here's a stress test that you can take. It may put some things in perspective. 

Thanks for your support guys. I'm sure my grandmother will be ok. I'm looking to run 10 miles tonight to channel some energy.



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