Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Feelin' Good, Feelin' Great !

Hey Road Runners!

I have some cool things I'd like to share with you all, and welcome you into my world of running! I am going to recommend 2 of the coolest Nike+ running shoes that I have in my closet!

Now for starters, in order to be a great runner, you have to own great running shoes! If you are here in Scottsdale, I suggest that you check out the newest Nike store at Scottsdale Quarter. It just opened and it is 2 stories high! They offer running, tennis, basketball, and also golf. The staff is very outgoing and willing to talk to you about the products. The best part about the store is that you can try on a pair of running shoes and run on their treadmill before you buy them to make sure they feel good enough to buy.

For those who have never been to Scottsdale Quarter, check it out! It's like SanTan Mall, but even BETTER. Here's a pic.

Ok, so here are some shoes that you may want to go in and check out.

Here are my latest pair... Nike Free Runs.
These shoes are the next best thing to barefoot running. They shoes allow for improved natural foot movement compared to conventional shoes. I think they are a great strength trainer for your feet...which equals awesomeness. Really comfortable and I absolutely love them. I wear them for all my runs and for my weight lifting. I noticed that after running 10 miles in these shoes, my ankles hurt less than before! 

Nike Lunar Swifts
Pretty fun shoe. They are super light (8.6 ounces) and I barely hear my feet hitting the ground when I run in them. Great cushioning, great support for stability when running, and they have a reflective swoosh for when you are running at night time (how clever).

Both run about $85 each in the store. You may be able to get the Lunar Swifts for $50 at Finish Line. Don't forget to get the Nike+ monitor so you can monitor your runs on NIke Running.

A quick reminder for those who have yet to go pick one up!!....
Buy It. Love It.



Monday, October 25, 2010

Diary of a Foodie

Hey RoadRunners,

Remember that one blog where I said that I could eat something, and love the hell out of it? Yeah. I'm struggling right now, and I need your help!

I have the appetite of  a runner, and I'm in big trouble if I want to drop pounds. I have noticed that by running 10 miles, I burn a whopping 1800 calories. After I run, I am hungry and want to eat my right arm. I force myself to go to bed to ignore these horrible thoughts. I'll usually treat myself to a cup of OJ or half of a Luna Bar. When I wake up in the morning, I am ready to plow through food.

It's so funny. Here I am running my butt off, but needing to lose weight so I can't eat whatever I want.

Just because you all care enough to read my blog, I owe it to you to be transparent and be honest about the things I love to eat.

Horrible things I ate last week::

Cheese Dip (Jays, Scottsdale)
Rattlesnake Pasta (Jays, Scottsdale)
Ice Cream
Gummy Bears/Worms
Halloween Oreos

I can't believe I'm telling you guys all this stuff! AH! Do you see a trend here people? Carbs carbs and more carbs. This has GOT TO STOP. I find myself having the attitude of, "oh I'll just run it off later." But this is not ok...especially if I plan on fitting into my New Year's Eve dress that my friend brought back for me from NYC.

So today, I'm checking myself, like fa real.

Multigrain Cheerios (in a small cup)
Yoplait Yogurt

1/2 Cliff bar

3' sub
7-9 baked lays

((ok already you can see that I effed up during my snack time, but luckily I didn't finish my lunch))

I'll keep you posted guys, but I am really eating my words that I posted in earlier blogs...literally. What you eat affects the way you run. My 10 mi run on Thursday felt like hell. I wanted to quit at mile 2! How embarrassing. I was really disappointed in myself. This will NOT happen again. WTF Tiff?

The hard part is running 10 miles. The easy part should be EATING!!

I'm getting pissed just thinking about it. I will not be overcome by temptation. I'm a RUNNER which means I have control over my thoughts. I'll keep you all posted on how the weight loss goes this week. I'm expecting to drop some pounds.

I ate Subway today (turkey breast on wheat) but for Tues-Fri I will eat lean cuisines under 400 calories. My goal is to take in 1200 calories a day, but see this could be an issue because I'm running off about 500 calories and of course lifting weights.

Does anyone have advice for me? I sure could use it. I hate meal plans, I'd prefer to be told the total amount of calories I can consume.

Peace Out,


Thursday, October 21, 2010

210mi Reality Check

Hey Bloggies,

Just doing my usual Nike+ Challenge check in.

As of 10/19/10 I have 107.80 miles completed !

I told y'all to be ready to party. So..let's get get get it !! Well...I can't party until after my 10 mile run tonight. So holla at me if you wanna get it in to celebrate my half way mark!



Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Hey Road Runners,

I'm back from Fall Break, did you miss me? Well boy have I got some news for you!! Allow me to start by just saying this. I am humbled by this entire process of becoming a runner. I literally have tears in my eyes as I sit and type to you all. I am blessed to be able to take on a journey such as this, and I thank God daily for life...I truly believe that it has been His will for me to become to a runner, and here I am walking in His will.

This week, I have learned that anything is possible. I am limitless in my efforts and cannot be stopped. Bob Proctor once said, "If you see it in your mind, you're going to hold it in your hand."

My goal was to run 10 mi on Thursday.

I have been conditioning and weight lifting to become a stronger runner. I have realized that I am an athlete and must train like one. Even though all I want to do is run, stretching and lifting weights is a must if I want to pick my pace up and make running easier. If I build stronger muscle, then it will be easier to run a half marathon because it wouldn't take so much energy.

It was 9am on Thursday morning. I woke up, had breakfast and laced up my Nikes for my first long run. The longest run that I had ever gone on was 4mi...this was the moment of truth. I walked in the gym, stretched and hit it hard. I started signing, "I'm on a pursuit of happiness..." by Kid Cudi. You guys, by mile 7 I had tears forming in my eyes. I thought to myself that even if I quit, I would still be a winner because it was still my longest run.

I didn't give up.

By mile 8.5, one of the gym employees came up to me and said, "girl, where are you running to?" I laughed and informed him that I was training for the PF Changs half marathon in January. He smiled and said that he would be there to support me. How awesome is that? I was humbled by this.

Small note..I out ran that treadmill. It cut off at the 8th mile. Haha. I won! I had to restart it so I could hit 10 miles. Boy am I a beast.

By mile 9.2 my phone rang and my biggest supporter called asking me if I was done yet. I quickly hung up and continued my run. My Nike+ applicator congratulated me on finishing my 10 mile run...and then Lance Armstrong congratulated me on my best mile and longest run.

I looked out the gym window to the parking lot to avoid being embarrassed as the tears of joy rolled down my face. I did it. I finally pushed myself to the limit. I did something that others thought I could not do. I couldn't stop crying, thank God I had a sweat towel to use as a tissue.

I finally got it together, and walked towards the door. The gym employee gave me a high five as I walked out the gym.


I was on a runner's high for real. I was floating in my mind and couldn't really express how I felt to my friends who wanted to know how it was. All I could say is, "I'm so thankful. I did it."

This blog is named SELAH for a reason. The Amplified Bible states Selah as "pause, and think of that". Basically, I sat after my run, and meditated and thought about what just happened. This running thing is real...

How many times have you sat and thought about all the awesome things you have done for yourself? I promise that when you do it, you will begin to repeat the behavior because you are acknowledging the fact that you are doing something positive in your life.


Super Woman.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

great, just great.

This post is not a happy one.

I hate being limited. I just hate it. I have been running for months now, and of course now I can't. Roadrunners, this is serious. My ankle is swollen!! I have had this issue for about a week now, but I have been ignoring it and still running, but after last night's 2mi run, I am definitely a hurtin' unit. I have been icing my ankle for days, but this morning I woke up and could hardly walk!

What is it?! What's wrong with my ankle?! Am I being dramatic? Hell, who cares...running is my drug and the pavement is my crack house. Pardon me for being such an actress, but running is all I have!!

Ok ok, I need to chill's a good thing Bevmo sent me a little coupon in the mail. They are having their 5 cent wine sale...guess who's taking a night off? Yep, I'm going to take tonight to recuperate and celebrate the weeks of running. Now, this is what I was talking about when I blogged about creating BALANCE in your life. Don't kill yourself running Tiff ! I have all my life to be a runner! What's one day off?

Thanks to all my friends that told me to chill out. This week's lesson::

RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression & Elevate)



Monday, October 4, 2010

210mi Reality Check

As you all know, I signed up for a Nike+ challenge. I have to run 210 miles before new year's eve!!  Initally I was freaking out...Now, I know that I've got this challenge in the bag!

As of 10/3/10 I have 76.44 miles completed !

Now when I hit 105 miles, prepare for a party! I am right on track with my goal. I have 12 weeks to complete 133.56 miles. Which means I have to average 11 miles per week which is what I am doing now. The biggest thing here is CONSISTENCY. I cannot tire in my efforts nor can I give up!

I should be able to blow this challenge out of the water!

Thanks for your support!



Aunt Rita's AIDS Foundation 2010 5K

This post is going to change your life.

My alarm went off at 7:15am. Right away, I jumped up and threw on my running clothes and laced up my Nike Lunar Swifts. I grabbed a yogurt and raw granola and hit the door. I had no time to play games...those infected by HIV/AIDS in Phoenix needed my full support today.

I immediately jumped on I-10 headed downtown, as I turned onto 3rd Ave and Washington, I saw a sign stating that there was a special event. I immediately felt a rush, my fingers began to tingle, and of course, my heart began to race. The day was here! The day that I set aside to challenge myself physically...I had a lot to prove this day.

I parked and only took my car key and iPhone with me. I walked up and look what I saw...

SHOW TIME !! It was time for me to get it poppin !! This little logo that I saw online was starring me dead in my face!! I saw people walking around in their t-shirts, and I immediately got hyped up! The day was here!

Here I was in beautiful downtown Phoenix, with a 5K race in front of me. There was nothing that was going to stop me...

I saw tons of runners in the crowd, and as I walked up, I'd politely smile at those I could tell were on the Nike+ team. It's great to come together for a great cause. When you love running and when you love service, the feeling you get after everything is amazing.

I can't get over how many people were there! So many sponsors! Shout out to Walgreens for donating $100,000 to this foundation. The announcer told us to shop there everyday for the rest of the year. LOL. I plan on it. I noticed that the mood was positive and the energy was pretty high! There was music playing and people dancing...of course I was one of them.

I felt so good after seeing that there were other people around me with the same passion for running and servicing their community. I was with a group of women from my illustrious sorority, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Many of them were not runners, in fact they were planning on walking the 5K. There were a couple that were planning on jogging/running. I informed them that I had a goal and was planning on beating a time of 37:30. There was one Soror of mine that told me that her goal was to beat 47:00. I told her that if she ran with me, I'd make sure that she beat that.

Hi, I'm Tiffany...and if you run with me, your life will change.

She politely took the challenge, and as the horn went off we smiled at each other and hit the pavement. There were tons of volunteers and they all were very supportive. I was in my goofy mode, so I made sure to give them all the thumbs up and tell them, "you guys are awesome!" ... of course they responded, "no! you're awesome!"

There was music at different street corners, and of course I just had to stop and dance with the volunteers! LOL. Hey, this was my first race and I had to make it fun! At one point when I was running and becoming weary, I saw a volunteer that I knew! A fellow member of another sorority, Sigma Lambda Gamma Sorority, Inc. I ran up to her, kissed her on her cheek and kept running. She was cheering me on and clapping. This felt great!

Now, I had to finish with a bang, even if I didn't beat my goal, I had to come in under 40 minutes. I mean, come on, I owed it to myself. So I winked at my Soror, and told her I was going to take the lead. She encouraged me to keep going.

Wait, let me back up...All while we were running, my Soror was quoting scriptures and telling herself, "I can do this, I can do all things." I kept pushing her. I told her not to stop running, to keep going. Never give up...DON'T STOP. She replied, "I have on sunglasses, but if only you could see the look I am giving you!" LOL. I told her that I was going to change her life!

Ok, so I took the lead and finished in 38:36 at a pace of 12:23. Hey, I'm totally cool with this, besides, I was dancing and joking around a quarter of the time. Petting dogs, dancing, joking, and  high fiving. That's what 5K races are all about when you're just starting your journey as a runner!

I hit the corner of 3rd Ave and Washington, and on the big stage there was live music with a guy telling me (or all runners) to push and finish strong. He was thanking us for contributing to such a great cause. People were clapping...the energy was high! Of course I pushed through and finished.

I grabbed a water, caught my breath and looked for my sorority sister that had to beat her goal of 47:00. She hit that corner and finished in 42 and some change. I clapped and jumped up and down! "I told you that you could do it!" She immediately started crying. She sat down and drank water with her daughter on her lap, she said to me, "Tiffany, all while I was running, all I could imagine was myself fighting the bad things in my life, the things I hated or was unhappy with...this race was about me doing something that I thought I couldn't do, and as  I hit that corner, all I could hear was my daughter telling me that I could do it...and just like that, I did it."

Running is an emotional activity...and just like that, your life can be changed at an event like this. Thank you all for sharing this awesome day with me.



Friday, October 1, 2010

It's Official


I'm prepared not to write anything else but just that, 11:38/Mile..

You see, there's a point that you reach in running when NOTHING can stop you from growing. People probably think that running gets boring after a while, but I'm here to tell you today that  it is a very personal experience that allows you to escape from the worries of your life and allows you to grow emotionally and physically.

I went from out of shape full figured woman to an energizer bunny! No really. I have so much energy, as you can see! I am running 4-5 times a week. I have to pick and choose which friends I want to run with during the week.

((clears throat))

Back to 11:38. What you all need to know is that this was my fastest run EVER. I got on that treadmill and ran 4 miles at a pace of 11:38. This run was so outstanding that Lance Armstrong said to me (via a recording) that this was my best run..and of course that I was beautiful and the prettiest runner he had ever seen in his entire life.

((flips hair))

I have a new view on life. I am a powerful being that has gotten rid of her fears. You guys, I can do anything that I put my mind to. Let me change this blog around...

Y O U can do anything (I don't care how big it is) you can do anything you want to do! Don't let anyone or anything limit your dreams. People around you will try and limit you, but it's up to you to accept it or not.

You're probably wondering who I am speaking to right now. I'm speaking to the overweight people that feel like they will be that same size for the rest of their lives. HELL NO. I'm telling you right now to break that mentality and change your life! It's up to you! I never never never thought I'd become a runner. I'm full figured, and of course, I carry 2 big objects with me everywhere I go (if you catch my drift). People would ask me if it hurt to run. I immediately would ignore the possible excuse.

You mean to tell me that I ran 4 miles at the pace of 11:38? Ha! If you would have told me that back in May when I got those running shoes, I would've bet my rent money against it! There was no way that I was going to run 4 straight miles.

And as the gospel song goes..."THE BEST IS YET TO COME!"

That's right. MY best is yet to come! So be prepared to keep reading this blog. Imagine us (you and I) in 6 months. This journey has not been boring at all. It has been quite interesting.

And as the blog is titled, if the shoe damn right the shoe fits! I was destined to become a runner! It was up to me to accept the blessing God had for me. Ask yourself, "am I walking in my destiny?" Once you accept your destiny, your life will forever be changed....

My body is changing, my friends are changing, and the way I treat life is changing.