Wednesday, November 24, 2010

210mi Reality Check

Hey Bloggies,

Just doing my usual Nike+ Challenge check in for the challenge I signed up for. For those that don't remember, here's the blog where I was freaking out when I first signed up.... 210 Miles Blog

As of 11/24/10 I have 202.27 miles completed !

Can you believe it? When I signed up for this challenge, I was freaking out! 7.73 miles left to go, and I will have officially completed the challenge well ahead of time!

A N Y T H I N G  I S  P O S S I B L E  !



Monday, November 22, 2010

life's ups and downs

These past couple of weeks have been really tough for me. I have been struggling to finish strong in my M.Ed program, re-evaluating my friendships/relationships, and gaining comfort in my new position as a teacher. All while I have been doing this, a huge bomb is dropped on me; my grandmother may be diagnosed with lung cancer this week right before the holidays. The worst part of this is that I am living here in Phoenix while my family is back east, and of course flying home would cost a lot so I'm forced to wait it out until Christmas.

Not to get too sappy here, but I get homesick sometimes, and hearing that my grandmother is ill only makes it worse.

This week has been full of ups and downs. I have my moments where I want to cry, but with the support of my close friends I have been able to be strong for my family.

With that, I must pose the question: What do you do to channel the daily stresses of life?

I must say, when I got the bad news about my grandmother I immediately shut down. I didn't want to talk to anyone except for her and my mom. The entire day, I received alerts from social websites about friends being excited to hang out and run with me at 9pm that night. I was a mess but I could not cancel on them.

I got myself together at 845pm and hit the door to meet up. Half way thru the run tears fell down my cheeks. All I could think about is how healthy I wanted to be, and how I wanted to live a long life for the sake of my family. Thoughts of heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure rolled around in my mind, and with every pace I took it felt like I was fighting them one by one. I finished a 4 mile run that night.

I used running as my escape, and I am glad that I did. I was able to get out of the house and turn the negative into a positive. With the endorphins going off in my brain, how could I be depressed?

We all handle stress differently in our lives, but I encourage every reader to find one positive thing to do everyday before bed that will help them release negative energy.

Some alarming statistics on stress
According to the American Medical Association, stress is a factor in more than 75% of sickness today. And according to the World Health Organization, stress is America’s #1 Health Problem.

Having difficulty dealing with America’s Financial Downturn?  You are not alone according to the APA Poll released October 7, 2008:
  • 50% of Americans say that they are increasingly stressed about their ability to provide for their family’s basic needs.
  • 80% of Americans stated that the economy is a significant cause of stress.
  • 83% of women are stressed about money vs. 78% of men
  • 87% of women reported dramatic increases in stress associated with health problems affecting their families in relationship to the declining economy. 
So stress is nothing new here.

some ways to relieve stress

-throw on some music (thank God for miles davis)
-take a walk with a friend
-set up an area in your house where you can relax (reading nook or spa)
-write in a journal (this will allow you to reflect)
-keep a stress ball at your desk/job (if you don't have one, you can make one! just google it)
-surround yourself with positive energy (i went to see the roots in concert with friends. glad i did)
-you tube some breathing exercises (this will help with anxiety also)
-read your favorite magazine

Just for kicks, here's a stress test that you can take. It may put some things in perspective. 

Thanks for your support guys. I'm sure my grandmother will be ok. I'm looking to run 10 miles tonight to channel some energy.



Friday, November 19, 2010

run off the holiday pounds !!

my homeboy is a nike run reporter...check this blog out, and join the challenge !!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

m u s i c


So last night, I'm at the gym lifting weights. All of a sudden one of my jams comes on, and right in the middle of pumping iron I begin to smile in the mirror. My friends all look over at me and start to laugh! No but for real though! It was one of my jams, so I just had to move/dance to it for about 3 seconds (only 3 seconds so that I wouldn't be the crazy person at the gym known for dancing). And of course they have those ridiculously large mirrors with the weights, so I just had to seize the 3 seconds and get my cute dance on. LOL !!

Music does that to me. I cannot get enough of good music. I mean, shoot, music has gotten me through some tough miles, and has really allowed running to be enjoyable. It contributes to my meditation and level of thought. It provokes emotion.

The first thing I ask my fellow Nike+ runners is, "what's your power song?" That can tell you a lot about a person. For those that don't know, a power song is a song you chose that get's you PUMPED. Right as you're running and you begin to feel faint, you press a button on your iPod/iPhone and instantly your power song plays.

For those that don't know, my power song is M.I.A.'s "Bamboo Banga." I think I just looove the part when she says, "road runner, road runner...going a hundred miles per hour. with your radio on!" (I'm signing it right now)....

For those that are new to running or just need some new workout music, I have come up with a Winter 2010 workout mix for you! I will be coming out with a new mix every season.

1.Globtrottin by Green Dynasty
2. Runway Love REMIX by Kanye West
3. Too Freaky by Chris Brown
4. Pursuit of Happiness by Kid Cudi
5. Million Dollar Girl by Trina
6. Find Your Love by Drake
7. Fancy by Drake
8. Day 'N' Nite (Crookers Remix) by Kid Cudi
9. Make Her Say by Kid Cudi
10. Announcement by Common

I'm working on creating an iMix for you guys so you can download it from iTunes,  but I'm havin some technical issues! Hopefully this list helps in the meantime!




Monday, November 15, 2010

what is it?

so everyday, my runs are uploaded to facebook and twitter. i have gained much support from many of my friends and followers. i have noticed that people are retweeting, liking, and commenting on my nike + runs on these social web sites. i must admit, nothing amuses me more than receiving feedback and encouragement as i share my world with you all.

the other day, my 5k run posted onto my facebook wall. this was my fastest run to date. one of my friends asked me a simple yet complex question...a question that provoked so much emotion that it took me almost a day to respond.

"what's your secret for remaining steadfast to running?"

after all these days and nights of running, i never wondered what kept me going. i mean, at first the whole running thing was a pain in my @$$ but i have really grown to crave the feeling the "runner's high" after i finish running.

what keeps me running 5-6x a week? let's see...

1. it was never God's will for me to be overweight. what good is life if i'm too sick to enjoy it?
2. life is a gift. by me shoving food down my throat everyday i am taking days off of it.
3. i have created a running blog, which serves as constant reflection of my dreams, wishes, and goals. there's no turning back now tiff.
4. i have inspired many people to start running. who am i to stop? i must continue to push others to reach their goals, so me going a week without running is not cool.
5. i have got 40 more lbs to lose!!
6. jan 16, 2011 pf changs 1/2 marathon is a goal i committed myself to back in may when 2 miles seemed impossible.
7. nike + is a constant motivation because it is tracking my runs daily. it tells me how many times i run every week. if i only run 2x a week, i feel like a slob.
8. i'm a foodie. i will eat anything in sight... running is a great way to burn off those calories. by running 10 miles, i burn about 1800 calories. (gasp)
9. my biggest secret to remaining motivated is....


My supporters. Those who push me to reach my goals daily. Those that are keeping an eye on me. Those that ask AWESOME questions like that. Those that I randomly run into that are wearing shoes that I recommend on my blog. Those that curse me out when a new blog isn't posted at least 3x a week. Those that come up to me at the gym and say, "can I run with you tomorrow?"


Personal shout out to my friends that run with me when they have time. For those that are beginning their fitness journey, I encourage you to get someone that will be just as committed as you. On the days you don't feel like working out, they will keep you in line...and the other way around. Same goes for food. The second you are weak and want to give in to a cupcake at work, shoot a quick email or text to your buddy, they will surely give you a check into reality.
(there's no turning back now...)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

team green !

I know I know...I haven't blogged in forever! FORGIVE ME! This will NEVER happen again bloggies! My job blocked and now my life is forever doomed!

..not really, but you know.

So, in other news. I want to update you all on my Nike + status!

I am currently at ..... 158.28miles !!

Yeahhh boi! That means I only have 51.72 more miles to go for my 2010 Nike challenge!! For those that don't know, I signed up for a challenge on Nike Running and I have to run 210 miles by NYE. I was freaking out at first, but I know that I got this in the bag!! I usually run 12-15 miles per week, so I am sure that I will beat this goal.

In addition to almost beating my Nike Challenge, I have FINALLY MOVED UP A LEVEL! Your girl has ditched the orange play ground and is now reppin' TEAM GREEN!

These are the levels:
Nike+ Levels is a new way to recognize the total distance you’ve achieved since joining
There are six Levels that correspond to total kilometers run:
Yellow (0-49km, 0-30mi)
Orange (50-249km, 31-154mi)
Green (250-999km, 155-620mi)
Blue (1,000-2,499km, 621-1552mi)
Purple (2,500-4,999km, 1553-3106mi)
Black (over 5000km or 3107mi).

Here's the before picture::


How are you guys doing since you've started your new lifestyle of fitness? I'd LOVE to hear about your experiences!!

